A Lazy Blog for Lazy People.

A look into the life of someone lazy, doing productive things.

Gratifyingly Lazy.

A true testament to my laziness comes with not blogging about it for about two months! It’s amazing. Pat on the back, self: you have single-handedly surpassed any expectations of keeping a steady blog.

But now I’m back. With school starting up tomorrow, I feel like I should share something that connects me to my peers: being lazy in college. Partying is too much effort, people. I walked around the streets of northwest DC last night looking for a party. I strongly believe that parties should come to us, preferably in the form of Guitar Hero and cheap delivery Chinese food.

An alternative to this idea would be to stay locked in your room all day with your British roommate watching twelve straight hours of America’s Next Top Model. An entire season. Tyra Banks. Crazy gay men. Need I say more?

If these habits keep up, I am really going to enjoy this school year — so much, that I might actually pay a visit to the gym more than once a semester.


  Mike wrote @

1 blog in 2 months is truly awesome laziness. Good work.

  facts funny wrote @

The main thing i’m enjoying while reading your blog is the way you write, you are a really charismatic person and your posts are wonderful, keep it up!

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